




The Enterprise

Eventually, there comes a point where thinking alone has its limitations.

That’s why the Enterprise translates ideas into action, brings them to life in the form of prototypes and learns from their impact.

How we work

We have developed a range of methods that allow us to simultaneously embrace complexity and value simplicity.

Connecting Futures

Strategizing deals with the fundamental uncertainty of the future.

We generate spaces that reframe this uncertainty into opportunities for experimentation. Connecting past, present, and futures, we map and explore effective strategic actions that move an organization forward.

Engaging Entrepreneurs

In every organization, there is a distributed group of people who drive strategic action.

We identify, connect and mobilize these actors to assemble an organization's entrepreneurial core. Doing so, we ensure that the right people are involved to produce real outcomes.

Crafting Strategies

Strategies need to be tangible so that people can understand, improve and implement them.

Our hands-on prototyping approach allows us to collaboratively engage in strategy work and enact alternative futures in the present. This makes them actionable for a wide range of stakeholders.

Evolving Routines

Organizations are more than the products or services they deliver: they come alive through their routines.

By making these routines visible as organizational processes, we focus on recalibrating and anchoring effective routines that sustain a regenerative value creation.

How we work

We have developed a range of methods that allow us to simultaneously embrace complexity and value simplicity.
Connecting Futures

Strategizing deals with the fundamental uncertainty of the future.

We generate spaces that reframe this uncertainty into opportunities for experimentation. Connecting past, present, and futures, we map and explore effective strategic actions that move an organization forward.

Engaging Entrepreneurs

In every organization, there is a distributed group of people who drive strategic action.

We identify, connect and mobilize these actors to assemble an organization's entrepreneurial core. Doing so, we ensure that the right people are involved to produce real outcomes?

Crafting Strategies

Strategies need to be tangible so that people can understand, improve and implement them.

Our hands-on prototyping approach allows us to collaboratively engage in strategy work and enact alternative futures in the present. This makes them actionable for a wide range of stakeholders.

Evolving Routines

Organizations are more than the products or services they deliver: they come alive through their routines.

By making these routines visible as organizational processes, we focus on recalibrating and anchoring effective routines that sustain a regenerative value creation.

How we engage

Every organization has its own distinct context. Here is an example how we engage with our partners.

Strategy_Prototyping Arts_Education Multi-stakeholder Creative_Economies

Prototyping the future of Europe’s higher arts education

As the European League of Institutes of the Arts, ELIA connects almost 300 leading universities. For Planet Strategy Lab is partnering up with ELIA over the course of a year to collaboratively explore the future of higher arts education to craft their 10 year strategy.

To live up to this responsibility, we established planetary perspectives that encompass ELIA’s diverse stakeholder group and context. We then engaged executives and team members alike to prototype strategic missions in an open strategizing process full of resonance and interactions.
Doing so, we not only shape ELIA’s 10 year strategy but also anchor the strategizing routines that will strengthen ELIA as a regenerative organization that creates value for Europe’s societies and beyond.

How we engage

Every organization has its own distinct context. Here is a selection of challenges tackled with our partners.
ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts

Prototyping the future of Europe’s higher arts education

As the European League of Institutes of the Arts, ELIA connects almost 300 leading arts universities. For Planet Strategy Lab is partnering up with ELIA over the course of a year to collaboratively explore the future of higher art education and craft their 10 year strategy.

To live up to this responsibility, we established planetary perspectives that encompass ELIA’s diverse stakeholder group and context. We then engaged executives and team members alike to prototype strategic missions in an open strategizing process full of resonance and interactions. Doing so, we not only shape ELIA’s 10 year strategy but also anchor the strategizing routines that will strengthen ELIA as a regenerative organization that creates value for Europe’s societies and beyond.

Multi-stakeholder Strategy_Prototyping Arts_Education Creative_Economies

How you can partner with us

Evolve your strategizing practice to create value for the planet in four effective formats.

Get moving. Plant the seeds for the journey your organization is embarking on. We challenge and inspire your teams by empowering them to connect to a regenerative future.

Customized_Keynotes_&_Panels Interventions_with_Artists Management_&_Board_Sessions

Get to work. Acting at the edge requires the right people to closely collaborate. We identify your entrepreneurial core and shape a common understanding of the organization’s future through focused sessions.

Strategy_Workshops Regenerative_Innovation_Sprints Sustainability_&_Value_Creation_Audits

Make it real. Courageous ideas go beyond single teams and organizations. Together we craft effective experiments that help us to align diverse stakeholders and understand how we can be successful in an emerging context.

Regenerative_Experiments_&_Ventures Sustainability_Strategy Planetary_Research_&_Synthesis

Sustain success. Strategizing is not a one-off activity but a crucial organizational routine. We anchor effective strategizing routines within organizations to ensure that regenerative value is created again and again.

Co-Strategizing Strategy_Transformation Academic_Research_Projects

Get In Touch

How we engage

Every organization has its own distinct context. Here is a selection of challenges tackled with our partners.

1-2 days


Get moving. Plant the seeds for the journey your organization is embarking on. We challenge and inspire your teams by empowering them to connect to a regenerative future.

Customized_Keynotes_&_Panels Interventions_with_Artists Management_&_Board_Sessions

2-14 days


Get to work. Acting at the edge requires the right people to closely collaborate. We identify your entrepreneurial core and shape a common understanding of the organization’s future through focused sessions.

Strategy_Workshops Regenerative_Innovation_Sprints Sustainability_&_Value_Creation_Audits

1-6 Months


Make it real. Courageous ideas go beyond single teams and organizations. Together we craft effective experiments that help us to align diverse stakeholders and understand how we can be successful in an emerging context.

Regenerative_Experiments_&_Ventures Sustainability_Strategy Planetary_Research_&_Synthesis

6+ Months


Sustain success. Strategizing is not a one-off activity but a crucial organizational routine. We anchor effective strategizing routines within organizations to ensure that regenerative value is created again and again.

Co-Strategizing Strategy_Transformation Academic_Research_Projects

Get in touch

What we build on

The For Planet Strategy Lab aggregates the knowledge and experiences of its founders and members.

RISE Management Innovation Lab

Engaged scholarship at the RISE Management Innovation Lab at the university of St. Gallen HSG (2001-2020), where we researched entrepreneurial strategizing in the areas of software engineering (AdNovum, Ergon, netcetera, msg global), basic research (IBM Research, UZH AILab), pharma (Roche, Hoechst, Aventis) finance, (UBS Global Wealth Management, Finnova) and technology (Infineon, Belimo).

Digital Design in Berlin, Munich & Tokyo

Leading Strategy and Design at Goodpatch, Japan’s leading digital design firm, where we launched services, ventures and organizational operating systems with companies in the mobility sector (Mercedes-Benz.io, Toyota TMC, Nissan), finance and insurance industries (R+V, Deutsche Börse, Trustlog) health tech (Avi Medical, mitte, Aaron.ai) and building technologies  (Georg Fischer, Hilti).

Global Creative Economies

Research initiatives, publication projects and curated formats on the global creative economies for more than 15 years, in the context of and in collaboration with the Venice Architecture Biennale, West Kowloon Cultural District, Art Basel Hong Kong, Central Saint Martins and City University London, German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, Collegium Helveticum (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), among others.

Non-Profit Sector

Working with the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and other intergovernmental institutions along with other non-profit organisations to bring multi-national stakeholders together, including on human rights and disarmament issues.


We engage with the entrepreneurial avantgarde that strives to leverage their organizations, ideas, and relationships to create value for the planet.

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