




The Club

The club multiplies the impact of the For Planet Strategy Lab.

By fostering connections, enabling collaborations, and curating valuable insights, we empower our community to tackle complex challenges and enable regenerative value creation.

How we take action

In our community, we are active across three dimensions.


Networks have the transformative potential to create serendipity.

We cultivate an intergenerational community of peers from the entrepreneurial, research and creative realms to generate surprising perspectives and opportunities.


Today’s most exciting challenges are bigger than the individual person, team or organization.

Together, we create immersive spaces that foster reflection and action beyond the status quo.


Inspiration often originates from unexpected places.

We curate insights and expertise in forums to continuously push the For Planet Strategy Lab’s knowledge base to the edge of research and practice.

How we take Action

In our community, we are active across three dimensions.

Networks have the transformative potential to create serendipity. We cultivate an intergenerational community of peers from the entrepreneurial, research and creative realms to generate surprising perspectives and opportunities.


In every organization, there is a distributed group of people who drive strategic action.

We identify, connect and mobilize these actors to assemble an organization's entrepreneurial core. Doing so, we ensure that the right people are involved to produce real outcomes?


Inspiration often originates from unexpected places.

We curate insights and expertise in forums to continuously push the For Planet Strategy Lab’s knowledge base to the edge of research and practice.


Together, we create immersive spaces that foster reflexion, shared learning experiences and action beyond the status quo.

What do we mean by “planet”? This forum revolves around establishing a common ground on what it means to create value for the planet in a regenerative way.

Building on existing concepts like systems thinking, circularity and the doughnut economy, we put these theories into action to develop an effective way to make the world liveable for the generations to come.

How can we not only preserve what we have, but leverage entrepreneurship to evolve the routines of today’s organizations and economies to generate value for all and not only for few?

In the strategy forum, we lead a practice-oriented, yet at the same time research-based, discourse on the topic of strategy.

From an entrepreneurial perspective, strategy is a creative practice embedded in the routinized process of strategy making. We call this „strategizing."

Together we find answers to questions such as: How can we promote this dynamic understanding of strategy? What methods can we use to achieve this? What can we learn from practices like improvising, prototyping, experimenting, hacking for our approaches to strategizing?

Facing high-complexity and global pressing challenges requires us to delve into unconventional ways of thinking, being and acting.

In this forum, we open up space for enriching exchanges and insights around contextual and organisational facets which contribute to the comprehensive development of planetary strategizing.

How can sociological concepts, philosophical thoughts or artistic practices help us to broaden our perspective in order to successfully strategize for the planet?


Today's and tomorrow's topics become tangible in three distinct forums.


What do we mean by “planet”? This forum revolves around establishing a common ground on what it means to create value for the planet in a regenerative way.

Building on existing concepts like systems thinking, circularity and the doughnut economy, we put these theories into action to develop an effective way to make the world liveable for the generations to come.

How can we not only preserve what we have, but leverage entrepreneurship to evolve the routines of today’s organizations and economies to generate value for all and not only for few?


In the strategy forum, we lead a practice-oriented, yet at the same time research-based, discourse on the topic of strategy.

From an entrepreneurial perspective, strategy is a creative practice embedded in the routinized process of strategy making. We call this „strategizing."

Together we find answers to questions such as: How can we promote this dynamic understanding of strategy? What methods can we use to achieve this? What can we learn from practices like improvising, prototyping, experimenting, hacking for our approaches to strategizing?

Open Space

Facing high-complexity and global pressing challenges requires us to delve into unconventional ways of thinking, being and acting.

In this forum, we open up space for enriching exchanges and insights around current topics related to systemic transformation, organizational consultancy and more.

How can sociological concepts, philosophical thoughts or intercultural artistic practices help us to broaden our perspective to adress related questions? And what role does our reflecting self play in our exploration and learning?


Together, we prototype the For Planet Strategy Lab to create a new way of organizing for the planet.

Meet the members

Adrian Ackeret (he/him)


impact-oriented citizen of the world


Andy Schwendener (he/him)


strategic improviser


Christian Karaschewitz (he/him)


enthusiastic innovator


Felix Rüdiger (he/him)


strategic convenor


Jasmin Weber (she/her)

humbled nature lover


Joana Racine (she/her)

strategy orchestrator


Julian Grah (he/him)


futuristic learner


Kornel Wassmer (he/him)


demystifying software-engineer


Markus Gut (he/him)


kreativer Macher


Max Well (he/him)


creative tinkerer


Miriam Walther (she/her)

creative entrepreneur


Nicole Hasenkamp (she/her)


curious dreamer


Samuel Huber (he/him)


strategy prototyper


Simon Grand (he/him)


entrepreneurial researcher


Simon Betschart (he/him)


interested human


Sophie Grand (she/her)

creative thinker


Susanne Sugimoto (she/her)


curious cross-linker



We engage with the entrepreneurial avantgarde that strives to leverage their organizations, ideas, and relationships to create value for the planet.

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